WraSer Pharmaceuticals, LLC Announces the Purchase of FDA Approved Trezix
July 22, 2009
For Immediate Release
WraSer Pharmaceuticals,LLC Announces the Purchase of Trezix® Oral Capsules (Acetaminophen 356.4mg/Caffeine 30 mg/Dihydrocodeine 16 mg) from e5 Pharma, LLC.
Ridgeland, MS (July 22, 2009) – WraSer Pharmaceuticals, LLC (WraSer) announced today that it has purchased the Trexiz® Oral Capsule product from e5 Pharma, LLC. With the purchase, WraSer is granted full rights to market and distribute Trezix® in the United States.
Trezix® received final FDA approval in April 2007. The product combines Acetaminophen and Caffeine with the narcotic analgesic Dihydrocodeine, representing a safe and effective therapy for the treatment of mild to moderate pain. Physicians have few alternatives in prescribing a combination of Caffeine with a narcotic analgesic. Trezix® fills this important niche in the market for effective pain-management treatments.
“WraSer is pleased to add this unique therapy to our portfolio of pain management products,” said Cole Smelser, Executive Vice President of Sales for WraSer. “WraSer is looking to provide a broad spectrum of pain management options to the physicians and patients we serve. Trezix® is a great complement to our current and growing set of offerings in this market.”
Trezix® is available immediately to retail pharmacies and wholesale pharmacy distribution channels. Trezix® is available by prescription only. For full prescribing information, please contact WraSer Pharmaceuticals, LLC at the contact number listed below.
About WraSer Pharmaceuticals, LLC
WraSer is a privately held specialty pharmaceutical company headquartered in Ridgeland, MS. The Company actively markets prescription pharmaceutical products focused on primary care, pediatric and dermatological markets. WraSer markets its products through its proprietary sales force. The Company is continually expanding its product portfolio through direct development and FDA submissions, partnerships and in-licensing agreements. Further information regarding WraSer is available at wraser.com.
About e5 Pharma, LLC
e5 Pharma, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Boca Pharmacal, Inc., is a specialty pharmaceutical company based in Coral Springs, FL.
For Information:
WraSer Pharmaceuticals
Customer Service
Posted on 7/22/2009
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